Saturday 25 March 2017

7 things you should be aware for a better relationship

7 things you should be aware for a better relationship

Posted by Admin on December, 01, 2016

The very common problems we all face is hang to something for long.Hmmm...Hang on to the mobiles and computers, outdoor parties for hour long is all common and quite easy too.But to hang in a relationship is all that we should maintain over.everything demands a maintenance ... Am i right...SO.... as the relationships.Let me help you with some basic tips for the long lasting relationships.

1.Treat he/she as Human Beings.

Ha ha very funny right..As if we are loving an animal...It may not be at the beginning of the relationships at some point you may feel it.At the moment realise that all the humans around the earth are not angels.We are imperfect in many aspects. "Sarvaguna Sampanna" trend is an old ignore the silly mistakes and let go on.

2. Let he/she spend some time with their friends too.


Yes !!!That major problem with all of us is we want a committed boy/girl with 100% attention and dedication 24/7.Let them have some space for their family friends and their personal interest. This helps both of you have a good long run relation,No matter what.

3.Be clear and not judgemental 


Newer judge your partner just by one mistake or one act.Any problem you find in his behaviour be clear and speak up.Discussing shouldn't end up in fight.Be patience while you talk. and sort the things.

4.Discuss with each other not to the world.



You have a problem in relation speak with him or her. Don't post it on the social media.Or discuss on the party table.Best is to consult some relationship specialists. This may lead to a bad end in the relation.

5.Forgive even if he or she isn't pardoning for sorry.

This is one of the major issues with all of us.He newer said sorry.But he bought an ice cream tonight,the flavour which i loved the most.She don't say sorry at all but she prepared the food which i loved the most.Its OK if he or she doesn't say sorry but the act of the person has made feel us they are sorry.Then let it go,,,, forgive and stay happy.

6. Don't talk much when you are angry.

You might get out of many problems and cracks in relationship being quite when you are angry.Whenever we are angry we talk a lot things which rally newer mattered to us. we create issue for each silly may then come out of anger but cant take back the words spoken.Better don't split bitterness stay silent and see the difference.

7. Always tell she/he what makes you happy about the relation.



The main success mantra of all time.share the things which makes you happy.may be small or big. each tiny things do matter.share with him.He kisses you every morning,tell him often you love it.She hugs you when you enter home every time, tell her you are blessed to be loved.
As emotions are high in every relationships,we all have to hold and respect each other feelings.

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